Healthy Beautiful Lips
Do you have unhealthy lips? Are they dry and cracked? Our lips are super sensitive and need special care like no other skin on our bodies. Bring back your health smile with these tips! 1. Don't Use Straws Straws make your pucker stay puckered much longer than you may want. Each time you take a drink from a straw, you draw the skin in around your lips. Once in a while at a restaurant is ok, but daily can add up to wear and tear on your lips. Choose water bottles that flow not ones with straws that suck. Save the pucker for the kissing the ones you love! 2. Drink Water Hydration makes pretty skin. Grab a 20 oz or more water bottle and drink up. NO straws, right? As the water boy says “H20 is better!” 3. Use Nontoxic Ingredients Products that are applied to the skin can quickly be absorbed into the bloodstream. In the case of the lips, those products also tend to get consumed as we lick our lips or talk. Unfortunately, many commercial lip products contain pet...