8 All-Natural Ingredients for Age-Defying Skin

We’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who doesn’t want youthful, vibrant, glowing skin. People are now turning to things like Botox and vampire facials to tap into the fountain of youth. There are some crazy treatments out there for looking younger. However, many people don’t realize that Mother Nature has given us some powerful tools in her own backyard, so there’s no need to keep taking extreme measures to look younger like watermelon! Really, watermelon! Before you go booking your first snail facial (yes, that’s a REAL thing), check out this list of all-natural anti-aging skin ingredients: Aloe Vera: When you see this item, you probably think of sunburn, but did you know that in addition to soothing sun damage, aloe vera also stimulates collagen production, making it an ideal natural anti-wrinkle remedy? It truly is a miracle plant, improving skin elasticity and keeping your skin bright and hydrated with its many vitamins an...