Ready to detox your life? Simple steps to detox

Anxiety can be toxic to your body through increase in cortisol levels, lack of sleep and a racing mind.  I know, I have been there! Studies also show that chronic elevation of cortisol levels can lead to increase in heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. With a combination of high and anxiety and lab results coming back with high cortisol I knew it was time to detox!
There are several ways you can detox your life - clearing the clutter out of your space, eating better and analyzing your diet, removing stress and even watching the ingredients in the products you use on your skin.  Changing any or all of these things can bring down your stress and anxiety levels. Just take note of the Marie Kondo movement to reduce and declutter to a more joyful life!

Let’s get started with the end goal.
Easy, clean, healthy habits and routines that make you feel good and look good too.
I think when we declutter, detox or remodel we get overwhelmed.  
Keep it simple and start with small steps. Over time, you can make a big difference.
My best weight loss successes are when I change one thing at a time, first eating healthy and then walking.  Over time saw a big difference.  Our body and our mind have set points. When you drop them too low for too long it thinks it is in survival mode.  Resist the temptation to change everything about your life.
Little changes and knowing what to look for can make a huge difference.
Take inventory of what you are eating.  There are thousands of healthy recipes and weight loss, health programs out there.  Watching what you put in your body can be one way to detox. One thing people do not think about as much as what they put in their body, is what they put on it!  What we put on our skin goes into our bloodstream.

A simple way to detox is to turn over your products and check out the labels and ingredients.
If your products have any of the 6 ingredients listed below, it is time to detox your skin care. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, but there is so much controversy and conclusive studies, I say when in doubt - throw them out!  We have to take our health into our own hands!
1. Parabens-  These are preservatives found in many cosmetic and skin care products that are known hormone disruptors. They can be linked to breast cancer and reproductive toxicity by mimicking estrogen receptors on cells as reported by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics.
2. Aluminum- And not just the cans soda and other drinks come in.  Aluminum in your skin care products! Check your labels and see for yourself.
3. Phthalates – This chemical is often demonized in the use of fragrance oils. I have to be honest that I want my products to smell good but I want them to be healthy too!   The National Toxicology Program, in last year's 13th Report on Carcinogens, listed Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (usually known as DEHP) as "anticipated to be a human carcinogen." A 2007 study also linked obese or insulin-resistant American men to higher levels of DEHP in their urine.
4. Talc – so what is wrong with baby powder?  Talc can be a lung irritant and talc in a cosmetic can be laced with asbestos—a known carcinogen. Studies on asbestos-free talcum powder have been largely inconclusive, but several studies have shown a small link between routine exposure and several cancers: ovarian, lung, and uterine.
5. Triclosan- Remember the buzz about antibacterial soaps and lotions?  Well, this is being rethought. The FDA is currently (which could take years) reviewing the safety of triclosan. 
Quick tip: Soap is a good way to wash your hands. It always has been.  Why add an ingredient that has been linked in several studies to fibrosis, cancer and hormone disruption?  One word – marketing. It seemed to put the competition ahead if you said you were antibacterial. We never fell for that one.  Wash your hands with a good soap like Jordan Essentials bar soaps and foaming hand wash while you sing the ABC song. Period! Voila’
6. Mineral Oil - Besides being an environmental hazard a 2011 study found mineral oil to be the largest contaminant in the human body! Human fat accumulates mineral oil over time basically from the skin care products you use on a daily basis.  Untreated mineral oils are listed as carcinogens by the World Health Organization. Most (and how do you really know) cosmetics probably contain refined mineral oil from petroleum which will also accumulate in the fat in your body. Mineral oil can easily be replaced by wonderful hydrating ingredients like jojoba, almond oil, and grape seed oil. The real kicker is cost to the company.  Bottom line, find a company that cares about the consumer and adds yummy oils you would eat, not petroleum based that accumulate in your fat cells. 


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